Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Stockholm.
Co-founder + CEO Vint (airbnb for personal training)
Founder AdProfit (Scandinavia's largest b2b adnetwork and media representative)
Founder @coursio • Web-entrepreneur. Passionate about web services that simplify peoples lives and the heartfull startup.
Entrepreneur, start-up mentor and public speaker.I'm active in all topics regarding startups but mostly accelerators, lean methodology & angel investment.
Intrapreneur who write Ruby & Ember.js apps @ Zmart Dev Sweden.. and plays alot of golf, alot!
Founder @wofo-agency-ab
Founder & CEO of Glowbal Brain. Entrepreneurial mindset with lots of web apps created. Ambitous, decisive, flexible, curious.
Founder @digitalpost •Worked @behaviosec, @tobii-technology, PreciseBiometrics, Volvo•Studied @university-of-mannheim, @university-of-north-carolina-greensboro
CEO of zkyon inc.
Young business professional, digital freedom fighter & disruptive entrepreneur.
Launching something ground breaking soon.
Founder @happyr. Passionate entrepreneur who combines solid technical skills, business acumen and leadership to grow ideas into companies.
Co-Founder and CTO at @findify-1 • Studied Software Engineering at @insa-lyon and Machine Learning at @kth-royal-institute-of-technology-1
Re-Inventing Law • Founder @precisely, @jansson-norin • Strong legal + tech background • Studied at @chalmers-institute-of-technology
Founder & CEO @30minmba • Serial entrepreneur, Speaker, Writer • Founder at 17 to company in management consulting. • Master degree at SSE • Fitness instructor
Founder @narrative-2 • Studied at @stockholm-school-of-economics