Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Stockholm.
Founder & CEO @30minmba • Serial entrepreneur, Speaker, Writer • Founder at 17 to company in management consulting. • Master degree at SSE • Fitness instructor
CEO of Load Impact. Strong business background (FAST (Microsoft), Konftel (Avaya), Cognos (IBM), 3Com (HP))
Partner Stockholms Business Angels, CEO Programmera MGM, Partner, Owner STEAM Consulting
Creative SALES Strategist and Business Innovator ICT
Founder & CEO of Glowbal Brain. Entrepreneurial mindset with lots of web apps created. Ambitous, decisive, flexible, curious.
Co-founder + CEO Vint (airbnb for personal training)
Founder AdProfit (Scandinavia's largest b2b adnetwork and media representative)
Founder @digitalpost •Worked @behaviosec, @tobii-technology, PreciseBiometrics, Volvo•Studied @university-of-mannheim, @university-of-north-carolina-greensboro
Co-Founder ChromaWallet. Founder Full-stack developer. Renaissance man. MSc in Economics at @uppsala-university