Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Stockholm.
Founder @happyr. Passionate entrepreneur who combines solid technical skills, business acumen and leadership to grow ideas into companies.
Founder @wofo-agency-ab
CEO of Load Impact. Strong business background (FAST (Microsoft), Konftel (Avaya), Cognos (IBM), 3Com (HP))
Partner Stockholms Business Angels, CEO Programmera MGM, Partner, Owner STEAM Consulting
Creative SALES Strategist and Business Innovator ICT
CEO and co-founder of @codarica. We aim to teach children an universal language; programming.
One of those Start-up kids currently a founder & CEO at @canu • Studied at @hyper-island
CEO of zkyon inc.
Young business professional, digital freedom fighter & disruptive entrepreneur.
Launching something ground breaking soon.
Co-founder of IBaround, a company providing a geo-marketing solution to the travel retail industry.
We enable precise engagement of the Global Shoppers
Founder Automile
Founder JobStar • Studied at @royal-institute-of-technology. First software startup 1996. JobStar is my 4th startup.
Founder @coursio • Web-entrepreneur. Passionate about web services that simplify peoples lives and the heartfull startup.
Co-founder + CEO Vint (airbnb for personal training)
Founder AdProfit (Scandinavia's largest b2b adnetwork and media representative)