Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Stockholm.
Works at @klarna with Employer branding
GoBreakTheIce. Digital Life Academy 2011 Runner-up
Engineer at @tictail. Worked at @editd, @ubs, @bloomberg. CS at @imperial-college-london-1.
Lead Engineer @salesforce; Computer Science @university-of-illinois-urbana-champaign, Entrepreneur on the @startupbus
CTO at
functional programming enthusiast, full stack developer including devops know how
PhD Student. Worked at @icex, @indra-systems.
Worked at @fyndiq @mozilla, @hackerhires • Studied at @uppsala-university, @nankai-university
Worked at @spotify
Head of Special Operations, Sticky AB prev. Burt, Contribio, Mediabricks, Red Message, Spotfire.
Lead iOS Developer @lifesum • Worked as CTO at @saborstudio • Studied at @Costa Rica Institute of Technology
Builder. Imagining a better world where we combine our intelligence. Co-founder @throwdown-fitness-community . From Sweden.
Founder & CEO at @helishopter.
Senior Developer • Co-Founder @teller-1
Software/web developer and Javascript, node.js, AngularJS and mongoDB lover/enthusiast.
Lead Developer FundedByMe, Full Stack Developer with BE emphasis
co-founder @fundedbyme, Developer / Designer / Entrepreneur. Namibian born, living in Sweden
CTO & co-founder of TrainedOn. Coding for passion since I can remember and getting paid for it since high school. Doing a PhD in HCI with Entrepreneurship focus
Founder @rentmama
Distributed and scalable systems, PhD
Founder of Ludu & Free Running Sweden • Studied at @royal-institute-of-technology
Co-founder and CTO of GoBreakTheIce
Founder @zaplife & @betobe. MSc at KTH, @stanford-university.
Founder @betbox. Strong product design, development, UX and business strategy experience in several entrepreneurial ventures.
Worked at @groupon, @sapient • Studied at @university-of-mannheim, @warsaw-school-of-economics
CTO, co-founder, tech strategist, team lead, hands-on, PM, UX designer - social, mobile, cloud, computational imaging, enterprise software - CS, EE, MBA.
Co-founder & CEO of Asteroid • Worked at @openratio • Studied at @politecnico-milano
Co-founder of @merchii. Nightowl. Front-To-Back Developer. High ambitions with focus on fundamentally refactor e-commerce which I consider broken by design.
Founder @centroid-studio • Worked at @google • Studied at @massachusetts-institute-of-technology
Growth, New Markets at @spotify, advisor, frequent flyer, failed rock star. Passionate about emerging economies, social entrepreneurship & micro finance.
Chalmers CS, No regard for office politics, ride my bike everywhere, I do whatever it takes to get to the goal, I rather ask for forgiveness than permission.
Physicist / Data scientist. Works as research director @indoo-rs
M.Sc. in Media Technology from KTH. Previously Founder/CTO of Rabble, now Founder/CEO of Banterfly
Entrepreneur with passion for projects! Husband, father, and owner of small IT companies. Lives in Helsingborg, plays chess and hangs out with friends.
Founder @dirble • Worked at @klarna, @vionlabs-webbstory • Studied at @blekinge-institute-of-technology
Polyglot programmer
Founder Infinite Scan • Worked at @mobile-roadie, @greatapps • Studied at @polytechnic-institute-of-new-york-university
Worked at @rovio, @songhi-entertainment • Studied at @hyper-island
Founder @giftvisor, @rankademy • Worked at @versioneye, @swedbank • Studied at @tallinn-university
CEO @versatile-security. Expert in IT Security, Software, Smart Cards and PKI. International experience in R&D, Integration and Management.
R&D, Compu-Sci, Big Data, Machine (Deep) Learning, Word-nerd, Language Analysis, Video Analysis, Social Network Analysis, Anthropology, Graph Theory/DB...
MSc Computer Science, Functional programming enthusiast, looking for internship / entry-level jobs to build future career. Experienced Linux user
Founder of Feedfiller. 2nd startup out of high school. Strong business background (Credit Suisse & Barclays). Meng Aeronautical Engineering, Imperial College.
Started a web hosting and web development company in Stockholm.
Software developer; Studied CS at @stockholm-university University
Co-Founder and CEO of iMellon. Awarded Software Engineer. Problem Solver.
Passionate about technologies and solving hard problems, participated in 3 start-up companies.
Karlstad University / KTH, MSc in EE, Worked at SICS, Infosys. Machine Learning, BI, Full stack Software developer
Creative programmer, working with machines as well as people. Founder @teller-1
Work at B2B startup Scrive as frontend developer.
I make things.
Bärnt & Ärnst is a small design and web development company run by the brothers Pär & Olle Thunberg.
1.5 years start-up experience as Embedded Designer at Marna Tech AB working on high resolution positioning system, responsible for both hardware design and software development.
Enthusiastic about varies kinds of technologies, such as embedded design, Wi
Master in HCI at Université Paris-Sud and KTH; Information System Engineer; Worked at Telecom, Siemens and Tobii
MSc in Distributed Computing
Studied at @uppsala-university
Full stack generalist developer; polyglot; open source enthusiast; Swedish. Available from August/September 2014.
Master's student Computer Science, worked at Splunk, passion for problem solving and clean code.
Experienced Product Manager and Web Engineer. Currently at EA (ESN). Former lead developer and Product Manager at (Ongame/bwin). Owns and runs my own company.
User Experience designer with a fondness for web, gadgets and games. Works at @oddalice. #gamification #design #gameDesign
Eyetracking algorithm development, Tobii Technology
Founder of
Founder @coachly • Worked at @swedbank, @ottoboni • Studied at @hyper-island
Internet entrepreneur, statistics geek and programmer @agflow
Finishing my MSc in Computer Science and Machine Learning @KTH
Full stack dev; involved in everything between server configuration, backend specifications and frontend development. ❤ DevOps
Founder at Mitrae, and productguy at few.
Software engineer with a passion for using Python on the web. Worked at Let's Mix (former Tonium) and (founded by Prezi founder Peter Arvai).
CS graduate, bioinformatician, love coding, data analysis, web.
Worked at @ibm, @infosys-technologies • Java and FileNet Developer, ECM and Telecom Domain
Missionary of music and founder of @jamclouds • Creative Design @sprinklebit • Worked at @bts, @swedish-armed-forces • Studied at @university-of-utah
Physioterapist with master in HCI Engineer from Sweden, Full stack (including mobile), successfully executed different jobs while studying
Joel Mickelin, MSc., Software Engineer, looking to relocate to North America. Fast learner with good knowledge of commonly used languages and platforms.
Studied at @stockholm-university
Data scientist, Ph.D., building a team in eLearning.
RevRise Co-Founder, data driven techie, former podcast host.
CEO at Iteam, a high tech firm in Stockholm with focus on tech startups and agile development. CTO at Radical.FM and founder of multiple startups.
Maker, @toca-boca founding team
System developer 7+ years experience
Node.js specialist
Studied at @thoren-business-school School, making websites since I was nine.
Founder of FIXIDO.COM and also running some existing business in northern Europe. Contact me for any questions.
Python enthusiast, javascript ninja, node.js prophet :).
Erlang server side
Entrepreneur and backend/frontend/cross mobile/cloud developer with strong business focus..
Founder @macscan-ltd • Worked at @webguide-partner • Studied at @university-of-northumbria
iOS and Clojure developer. PhD in Philosophy and Hacker School alumnus. Hobbyist programmer since the 90s. Completed half a Bachelor CS program at some point.
Full stack Software Engineer with a constant drive for learning new things.
UX Dev at Spotify
Technical Architect at Folkia AS.
Intrapreneur who write Ruby & Ember.js apps @ Zmart Dev Sweden.. and plays alot of golf, alot!
Data scientist; active in 10+ Start-ups; challenged every metric I’ve ever looked into
16 year old high-school student & entrepreneur; Founder & CEO of Tillister; Developer since the age of 12.
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